Santa Event: Santa Claus will be spawning on an hourly basis, make sure you don't miss him as he will proving an arrange of drops, including the Special Holiday Season Armor, Weapons, and Damage Booster! *information on armor stats can be found below*
Giveaways: We will be hosting a variaty of giveaways event on Discord throughout these next few weeks, make sure you enter, you don't want to miss out!
FashionScape Event (Hosted by the Event Manager): Please check out Discord for more information on this.
Random Mass Global Spawns.
More to Come!
Santa's Outfit (items/stats expire after January 1st):
Armor: 90k Melee, 95k Range, and 70k Magic Stats & +10 DR per piece of equipment worn.
Candy Cane Melee Weapon: 45k Melee Stats.
Christmas Scythe Weapon: 170k Magic Stats.
Santa's Damage Booster: 35.5k Melee & x1.5, 75k Range & x1.25, 75k Magic Stats & x2.35.