Donator Rank & Benefits:
Bronze Donator ($50) : +15 DR & ::yell command.
Silver Donator ($100) : +25 DR. Acess to ::szone & Silver Raid. Ability to use ::bank. Additional coins while thieving, and UNLIMITED PRAYER.
Gold Donator ($300) : +50 DR. Access to ::gzone & Gold Raid, access to Donator Shop 1. Thieving loot increased. 3 extra AFK Tickets while actioning at ::afk, and all previous benefits.
Platinum Donator ($500) : +70 DR. Access to ::pzone & Plat Raid. 25% extra Slayer Points. Thieving loot increased. 5 extra AFK Tickets while actioning at ::afk, and all previous benefits.
Diamond Donator ($850) : +90 DR. Access to ::dzone & Diamond Raid. 50% extra Slayer Points, and all previous benefits.
Ruby Donator ($1,700) : +120 DR, access to ::rzone & Ruby Raid, 75% extra Slayer Points. Double Boss Points. Thieving loot increased & obtain Upgrade Tokens while thieving. 10 extra AFK Tickets while actioning at ::afk, and all previous benefits.
Dragonstone Donator ($3,500) : +150 DR, access to ::dszone. 100% extra Slayer Points, and all previous benefits.
Player-owned Store: ctrl + p
Bank: ctrl + b
Achievements: ctrl + a
Upgrades: ctrl + u
Fuser: ctrl + f
Drops: ctrl + d
Loots: ctrl + l
Instance Manager: ctrl + x
Teleport Home: ctrl + h
Open Junk Shop: ctrl + j
Open Teleport Menu: ctrl + z
Teleport to Task: ctrl + t
List of Commands - ::commands
Global Bosses Timer - ::events
Player's Own Store - ::pos
Battle Pass - ::bp
Battle Pass Experience - ::bxp
Battle Pass Level - ::blvl
Forums - ::forum
Website Store - ::store
Raid/Chests/Boxes Loot - ::loots
NPC Drops - ::drops
Yell - ::yell
Junk Shop: ::junk
Bank - ::bank
Instance Manager - ::im
Teleports to AFK Area - ::afk
Teleport to Shops - ::shops
Teleport to Various Globals - ::owner, ::lava, ::vader, ::dragon, ::spartan, ::witch, ::reaper, ::shooter
Teleport Home - ::home
Teleport to Donator Zones - ::bzone, ::szone, ::gzone, ::pzone, ::dzone, ::rzone
Teleport to Slayer Task - ::task
Teleport to Gamble Zone - ::gamble
Raids KC - ::raidskc
Progress Bar Glitch Removal - ::remove
Kill Requirement Guide:
Ryuk: 50 Abominable Snowmal kills
Jesus: 100 Ryuk kills
Simba: 150 Jesus kills
Sora: 200 Simba kills
Sully: 250 Sora kills
Mega Charizard: 300 Sully kills
Sauron: 350 Mega Charizard kills
Squidward: 400 Sauron kills
Ice Demon: 450 Squidward kills
Eve: 500 Ice Demon kills
Gimlee: 550 Eve kills
Blood Elemental: 600 Gimlee kills
Tiki Demon: 650 Blood Elemental kills
Aragorn: 700 Tiki Demon kills
Rayquaza: 750 Aragorn kills
Legolas: 800 Rayquaza kills
Darth Maul: 850 Legolas kills
Diamond Head: 200 Darth Maul kills
Darius: 250 Diamond Head kills
Deadly: 300 Darius kills
Zeldorado: 100 Deadly kills
Heat Blast: 150 Zeldorado kills
Kevin Four Arms: 200 Heat Blast kills
Ra The Sun God: 250 Kevin Four Arms kills
Dark Knight: 150 Ra The Sun God kills
Cannonbolt: 200 Dark Knight kills
Bad Bitch: 200 Cannonbolt kills
Red Assassin: 250 Bad Bitch kills
Evil Clow: 300 Red Assassin kills
Yvaltal: 350 Evil Clow kills
Dooms Day: 450 Yvaltal kills
Mt Dweller: 550 Dooms Day kills
Dark Magician: 250 Mt Dweller kills
Obelisk: 350 Dark Magician kills
Blood Queen: 450 Obelisk kills
Four Arms: 500 Blood Queen kills
Octane: 1000 Four Arms kills
Limes: 300 Octane kills
Slifer: 600 Limes kills
Fallen Lord: 800 Slifer kills
Knight Of Torment: 1,000 Fallen Gods kills
The Litch: 3,000 Knight of Torment kills
Spuderman: 4,500 The Litch kills
Dr. Strange: 9,000 Spuderman kills
Gods Ruler: 15,000 Dr. Strange kills
Raids Requirement Guide:
Pokemon Raid: 1,000 NPC Kills.
Anime Raid: 50 Pokemon Raids.
Mortal Kombat Raids: 125 Anime Raids.
TBD: 250 Mortal Kombat Raids.