Questions about how to get started or what to do? Look no further!
Getting Started!
Choose your Gamemode!
Normal Account:
Can trade, use bank, use Player Own Shops, and receive donator benefits.
Ironman Account:
Can’t trade and can’t use player owned shop.
Can use bank and receive donator benefits.
Hardcore Ironman Account:
Can’t trade, can’t use banks, can’t use player owned shop, can’t receive donator benefits.
Account is not limited to 1 death.
Make sure to use ::refer (reaper, reaperx, inherited, or inheritedrsps).
Once in game get started with ::train, which will teleport you to the starter NPCs to do the Starter Progression.
Make sure to check out your achievement tracker as you progress throughout the game, the achievement tab has 4 different difficulty categories with great rewards to help you along the way!
What gear is better? What drops what??
If you got questions about what gear to go for or not sure if what you currently have is better than your new item, no worries just check out ::bis which will provide you a list of gear per combat style with it's stats!
Not sure where to get the gear or what the loot from boxes/raids are? No worries, just do ::loots and you will be able to look at the rewards interface for raids as well as boxes!
Fuser & Upgrade Machine!
Once you are already on your journey you will have opportunites to upgrade or fuse certain items to make much better and stronger versions of them. Make sure to check out the Fuser and Upgrade Machine located at ::home