What is the max skill level? (Answer: 150)
Re-arrange these letters to make an NPC: 'stvaneneR'. (Answer: Revenants)
Re-arrange these letters to make a city: 'rorckVa'. (Answer: Varrock)
What drop rate bonus does Godzilla armour give individually? (Answer: 4%)
How many vote points does a $10 bond cost from the vote store? (Answer: 200)
How many easy achievements are on ReaperX? (Answer: 18)
Re-arrange these letters to make a place: 'tnDoar ozne'. (Answer: Donator zone)
Which OSRS Barrows brother hits through prayer? (Answer: Verac)
How many blood bags are required to unlock blood slayer? (Answer: 10k)
How many tax bags does it cost to forge a supreme herbal bow? (Answer: 250k)
Who can you purchase a max cape from? (Answer: Sir Percival)
What is the name of the final boss in Yu-Gi-Oh raids? (Answer: Yugi Moto)
What is the lightest chemical element? (Answer: Hydrogen)
Which planet is nearest to the sun? (Answer: Mercury)
Which river flows through London? (Answer: The Thames)
Which Italian city is famous for its leaning tower? (Answer: Pisa)
Please say "ReaperX".
Please say "Reaper" backwards.
"eBn" (Answer: Ben)
"ioMl" (Answer: Reaper)
"esnRi rnSie" (Answer: Risen Siren)
What is the Aloha State? (Answer: Hawaii)
What weapon do Jedi Knights use? (Answer: Lightsaber)
Black-eyed peas are not peas, what are they? (Answer: Beans)
Say "noob".
What is the most widely eaten fish in the world? (Answer: The Herring)
An interferometer is used to measure what? (Answer: The wavelength of light)
What does TRIVIA literally mean? (Answer: Three Roads)
What is Carambola? (Answer: Starfruit)
Thalassophobia is a fear of what? (Answer: The sea)
If you freeze water, what do you get? (Answer: Ice)
What colors are the stars on the American flag? (Answer: White)
How many planets are in our solar system? (Answer: Eight)
What city is the most populated city on earth? (Answer: Tokyo)
Which state is famous for Hollywood? (Answer: California)
How many pairs of wings do bees have? (Answer: Two)
How many days are in a year? (Answer: 365)
What was the first holiday event item ever on OSRS? (Answer: Pumpkin)
In what year did Nintendo release its first game console in NA? (Answer: 1985)
Name the biggest island in the world. (Answer: Greenland)
What is the largest continent in the world? (Answer: Asia)
What is the color of a 10M money stack? (Answer: Green)
Name the largest ocean in the world. (Answer: Pacific Ocean)
What year was Microsoft established? (Answer: 1975)
How many countries are there in the United Kingdom? (Answer: 4)
How many years are there in a century? (Answer: 100)
What is the capital of Italy? (Answer: Rome)
How many sides does a hexagon have? (Answer: 6)
How many elements are in the periodic table? (Answer: 118)
Which country invented pizza? (Answer: Italy)
What year was Bitcoin launched? (Answer: 2009)
How much water is present in a watermelon? (Answer: 92%)
Which ocean is the deepest? (Answer: Pacific Ocean)
What year did we discover the element Oxygen? (Answer: 1774)
How much Constitution does a Pumpkin heal? (Answer: 140)
How many Barrows Brothers are there? (Answer: 6)
What color of logs do you get if you use a blue firelighter on a log? (Answer: Blue)
What level must you be to smith a Steel Scimitar? (Answer: 35)
Which area of the game is notorious for players dying within it, then complaining about? (Answer: Wilderness)
What level do you need to be to farm watermelon? (Answer: 47)
At what level can you purchase a skill cape? (Answer: 99)
Of these, which requires the highest level to catch? Lobster, Herring, Salmon, Swordfish (Answer: Swordfish)
Who is the last boss in Recipe for Disaster? (Answer: Culinaromancer)
Which skill does ranging go with most? (Answer: Fletching)
How many bars do you need to make a platebody? (Answer: 5)
Unscramble these letters 'pgoru minrona'. (Answer: Group Ironman)
Unscramble these letters 'eomh peletrot'. (Answer: Home Teleport)
Type the following: '21042919422'. (Answer: 21042919422)
Type the following: 'ximf2mc292m92'. (Answer: ximf2mc292m92)
Type the following: '0k0k02k02kd2d'. (Answer: 0k0k02k02kd2d)
Type the following: 'v2img903m'. (Answer: v2img903m)
Type the following: 'omv039f290k'. (Answer: omv039f290k)
Type the following: 'foem30ffo3mfo2'. (Answer: foem30ffo3mfo2)
Type the following: 'zomofo2mf20mf'. (Answer: zomofo2mf20mf)
Type the following: 'pp20d20d2l02'. (Answer: pp20d20d2l02)
Type the following: 'ao10fm30mg02'. (Answer: ao10fm30mg02)
Type the following: 'omv2mf029fm290f2'. (Answer: omv2mf029fm290f2)
What is 5 x 5? (Answer: 25)
Guess a number 1-10 (Answer: Varies from 1 to 10 depending on the question)